Sunday, September 13, 2015

We want our own independent state

People have been asking me for the transcript of my speech during Catalonia's 2015 "Gateway to the Catalan Republic" rally. Here it is (with link to video at the end).


Bona tarda Catalunya. It is my honor to send this message to the rest of the world!

We, the people of Catalonia, for the fourth consecutive year come together in a massive demonstration with a message for all of the democratic societies of the world: We want our own independent state.

We want nothing more than to peacefully and democratically express this desire, with a smile on our faces and full confidence in ourselves and in all nations that cherish freedom: We want our own independent state.

Sometimes, as Thomas Jefferson wrote in the United States’ Declaration of Independence 239 years ago, “in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which it is entitled…”. We are sure our family ties will remain strong with Spain, just as they are between the US and Great Britain. We simply want our own independent state.

We want to be free of a state that keeps us down and holds us back. We want to have our own voice in the world. We want to have laws which make sense for the Catalan people. We want to improve our lives, and the future for our children and the generations to come. We want to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder in generous solidarity with the peoples of the world. We want our own independent state.

Citizens of the free and democratic world: We Catalans demand that you recognize the decision that we make at the ballot boxes next September 27th and if we so choose, open the Gateway to the Catalan Republic!


Lots more pictures of this incredible rally

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